Right-to-work legislation is a growing hot-button issue in Missouri and the debate won’t be going away anytime soon. At Cantor Injury Law, we advocate for unions and all workers regardless of union affiliation. The impact of right-to-work in Missouri will lower pay and result in fewer benefits for everyone.

Lower wages will have a direct impact on the value of work related injuries under Missouri’s workers’ compensation laws. Any decrease in the State Average Weekly Wage used to calculate the value of workers’ compensation claims in our state would have a devastating effect on injured workers, many of whom are already struggling to get by while recovering from serious injuries. This is unacceptable.

Below are my views on this very important issue:

Attorney Mark Cantor of Cantor Injury Law, Explains Why ‘Right-to-Work’ Laws Are Bad for Missourians

A worker's hard hat in a construction zone

St. Louis workers’ compensation attorney explains why the state’s right-to-work bill could spell trouble for employees

St. Louis, MO (PRWEB) March 12, 2015

On Tuesday, Feb. 17, Missouri Senate President Pro Tem Tom Dempsey opened up about his views on the right-to-work law proposed for the state. He told Missourinet (2/18/2015) writer Mike Lear that he does not support any measure that would block unions or other organizations in support of workers’ rights.

“There’s a reason for the formation of the unions,” Dempsey had commented. “There were people back in the 1900s that exploited workers. Those people needed a voice and the unions helped provide, really, the impetus for an improvement in working conditions that we all enjoy.”

Mark Cantor, founder and attorney with St. Louis, MO, based Cantor Injury Law, agrees with Dempsey’s position on the subject, along with that of Missouri Governor Jay Nixon, who is expected to veto the bill if it passes in the State Senate.

“All Americans already have the right to work,” Cantor said. “The right-to-work laws are essentially a conspiracy of big business to lessen the pay and benefits of the working class. It hurts most people.”

Cantor, who is a personal injury attorney and has handled cases involving worker’s compensation, also expects Governor Nixon to veto the bill. “The governor knows that right-to-work is not right for working Missourians,” he said.

Dempsey also said that he had serious doubts about the right-to-work bill, saying that it was unlikely to pass due to other economic issues in the state.

“The jury is still out,” according to Cantor, on whether or not the bill would see enough support in the Senate to pass this year.

However, Cantor explained, “Even if it is unsuccessful this session, the increase in conservatives elected to the Missouri legislature means that we will keep seeing this bill brought up year-after-year until the House and Senate have built a two-thirds majority to override the Governor’s veto.”

The other option that would increase the chances of a right-to-work bill’s passing would be the election of a Republican governor in Missouri, Cantor said.

But as Cantor explained, the passage of a right-to-work law could harm workers — especially those who have to file workers’ compensation claims.

“Research out of the Economic Policy Institute shows that there is at least a $1,500 or more loss in annual wages per worker in states that have passed right-to-work laws,” he said. Cantor also explained that workers’ compensation amounts are derived from a formula. Right-to-work laws put downward pressure on wages and alter that formula to favor employers and big business rather than the employees.

“The value of every injury case decreases with right-to-work laws because workers’ compensation is based on the State Average Weekly Wage,” he said. “When the State Average Weekly Wage goes down, the compensation rate for all work injuries also goes down.”

Current Status of Right-to-Work Legislation in Missouri


The right-to-work legislation remains a prominent issue under discussion within Missouri’s legislative circles. Despite ongoing debates and proposals, the status of the legislation may vary, with recent developments shaping the trajectory of this contentious topic. Stay informed about the latest updates on proposed bills, legislative actions, and the perspectives of key decision-makers involved in shaping the future of labor laws in Missouri.

Implications for Missouri Workers

The potential implementation of right-to-work laws in Missouri carries significant implications for the state’s workforce. From impacts on wages and benefits to considerations of job security and workplace conditions, the debate over right-to-work legislation directly affects the livelihoods of countless individuals across various industries. Understand the potential consequences for Missouri workers and their families as policymakers weigh the pros and cons of enacting such laws.

Comparison with Other States

Examining Missouri’s stance on right-to-work legislation in comparison to neighboring states and national trends provides valuable insights into the broader landscape of labor policy. By analyzing similarities and differences in legislative approaches, economic outcomes, and social dynamics, stakeholders gain a more nuanced understanding of the potential effects of implementing or rejecting right-to-work laws within Missouri’s unique context.

Legal and Constitutional Considerations

Navigating the legal and constitutional complexities surrounding right-to-work legislation requires a comprehensive understanding of pertinent statutes, precedents, and constitutional principles. Explore the legal foundations underpinning the debate over workers’ rights, collective bargaining, and the balance of power between employers and employees within the framework of Missouri law. Stay informed about any legal challenges, court rulings, or constitutional interpretations shaping the fate of proposed right-to-work measures.

Public Opinion and Advocacy Efforts

Public opinion plays a crucial role in shaping the trajectory of right-to-work legislation in Missouri. Stay abreast of the latest polling data, community initiatives, and advocacy efforts spearheaded by unions, worker rights organizations, and other stakeholders invested in protecting the interests of Missouri’s workforce. Explore diverse perspectives and grassroots movements mobilizing to influence public policy and defend workers’ rights in the face of proposed legislative changes.

Contact us at (314) 628-9999 to schedule a free consultation with our team.